Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Wild with Waikiki Meatballs!

This week we had over 30 lbs of lettuce from the Lewisburg Community Garden! That was enough for the patrons to take some home and have enough left over for other local food programs! It was quite a task washing, chopping and then bagging that much lettuce.

So much lettuce!

Our volunteer group, for our meal of Waikiki Meatballs, was the very enthusiastic!

Volunteers serving the Kale salad and fruit

Volunteers serving the rice and meatballs

The peppers for the meatballs!


In the recipe, we were able to use some of the bell
peppers from the Garden as well!

For dessert this week, zucchini bread was offered (and yes, the zucchini was from the garden!) Jasmine, Sydney and Sarah made this culinary delight.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It's raining vegetables!

This week the Lewisburg Community Garden really grew this week! We had cabbage, corn, beets, and zucchini. There was enough for folks to enjoy with their meal -- and there was enough to put on the give away table too. The volunteer group was Community Menonnite Church! Enjoy the pictures!

Volunteers from Community Menonnite Church!

Some vegetables on the give away table
Some of the peppers are starting to come in!


Monday, July 15, 2013

Some pictures from June!

Sorry for the delay in postings. The summer has been really busy with all the great vegetables growing in the garden. Please enjoy some pictures from the last few weeks at Community Harvest!

Some lettuce and radishes from the LCG!

Sarah is helping prep the potatoes for the meal.

Green beans!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Summer Fun!

This week our volunteer group was the St. Andrew's UM Church Youth Group! The Lewisburg Community Garden is growing up a storm! We were able to serve some great vegetables from the garden and other great local items like strawberries. Enjoy the pictures.